Dear Glenn,

Dear Glenn, On many topics and conversations… Thank you for your super spontaneous and welcoming intro video! You’re way too cool making your fresh homemade strawberry and banana smoothies.. I miss the kitchen at RULA. Have you gotten over your mixed teas? Are you now more into smoothies? I guess …

Dear Marta

#busyLife The other day I encountered this Facebook message from you. It’s a perfectly reasonable message. Who doesn’t get our overload here in 2016! Our Dance Cards are so overflowing it’s a project just to try to do all that dancing! Still it was kind of funny that we created …

Dear Glenn

Dear Glenn Sorry for taking so long to reply and not being able to get as involved as I’d like to with our correspondence. I’m currently in Copenhagen meeting the new artist for Ba-Ba and I’m coming back to London on Friday, then leaving to India on Sunday. I’ll reply …

Dear Glenn,

Dear Glenn, When I saw that you had dedicated a whole post to the discussion of Facebook I must admit I wanted to throw myself out of the window. Nonetheless I love how passionate you are about the topics you’re interested in. I have wanted to delete Facebook many times …

Hi Marta!

How do you feel being back in London!? How’s things at the houseboat? Marathon Conversation! “…long hours speaking…“ OMG! How did that happen!? We talked late into Saturday night, and then talked Sunday for seven hours! When I got up at 9am I think you’d already been up for a …

Dear Glenn,

It was really great to be able to spend my last night in Los Angeles in your house. I enjoyed the long hours speaking to you, I learnt a lot. I wonder if I fell so understood because you’re a teacher and you’re experienced in “getting along” with people my …

Hello Marta!

Hi Marta! It’s Tuesday, the 3rd day of your 2 weeks with 11 other artists & writers at Andrea Zittel’s Wagon Station Encampment in the California desert at Joshua Tree. I wonder what you’re up to today? I’m looking forward to hearing about your experience these 2 weeks. Of Tidepools …